The following database tables have been arranged into two categories: All Measurands, and Laboratory Applications. Clinical Applications will be addressed on the RCV Calculator page.
Lists all measurands that have been assessed for that species.
› Biochemistry (1 table)
› Haematology (1 table), please scroll down the page
› Haemostasis (1 table), please scroll down the page
› Endocrinology (1 table), please scroll down the page
Reference number relates to the citation list.
CVI - intraindividual variation.
CVG- between individual variation.
CVA - analyser variation (reported in the study, shown in red if > 0.5 x CVI). This can be determined by replicate analyses or from quality control studies (QCM)
II - Index of Individuality. A high level indicates subject-based reference intervals (RCV) are more appropriate, a low level indicates population-based reference intervals are appropriate, intermediate levels indicate both reference change values and reference intervals should be assessed.
RCV - reference change value calculated to 95% and 99%.
These terms are explained on the ‘About BV’ page.
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Click here to download the PDF version of this table